All about dog training and good habits for our pets.

Shiba inu dog vs akita

Shiba inu dog vs akita

A common question people ask is, “Shiba inu dog vs. Akita dog?” These two Japanese breeds have different personalities, so determining which one is best for you is a personal…

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Akita inu white

Akita inu white

If you’re considering getting an Akita Inu, you’ve likely wondered what the difference is between white and other Akita inu colors. These dogs share some similar traits, including their size,…

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Akita inu temperament

Akita inu temperament

Whether you’re planning to adopt an Akita Inu or simply curious about its temperament, you’ll want to know a little bit about the breed’s background. This Japanese dog originated from…

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Akita inu life span

Akita inu life span

There are many ways to extend your Akita’s lifespan. Exercise is one of the best ways to make your Akita healthier and longer-lived. If you’re worried about your Akita’s night…

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Akita Inu Colors

Akita Inu Colors

Akita inu colors can vary dramatically, but all are brown. The brown base coat is covered with black hair tips that give the dog its darker shading. Black hair tips…

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