How to teach a dog to heel

How to teach a dog to heel

How to teach a dog to heel is a great way to control your puppy’s energy. You can start by introducing this command by having your puppy sit or walk to a place. Once your puppy understands that the heel is a good position, you can move to walking your dog while wearing your heel. Here are some methods to help you get started:

Sit platform

If you’re training a dog to heel, you may be considering getting a sit platform. These are platforms that are commonly known as Pouliot Platforms. Unlike a regular dog platform, these have a raised platform that doesn’t interfere with the animal’s body position. You should build a platform to the proper height and width, and position it at the dog’s heel. Positioning the platform at the heel is essential because it prevents the dog from finishing too far back or too forward.

To start the training, you should find a place that is quiet. A backyard or a secluded park would be ideal. Indoor training is less distracting, but you should gradually increase the distraction level as the dog gains confidence. Heeling is an essential skill for walking and should be practiced in various places. After you’ve mastered this basic obedience training, you can move on to other training areas.

Click and treat

The first step in how to train a dog to heel with click and treat is to make him understand that a hand target is required when he steps out of the heel position. If you can use a clicker, then use that. Otherwise, use a treat, which you can put in your hand, to give your dog a positive reinforcement for being in the heel position. You should gradually increase the distance and duration of heelwork.

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Once your dog understands the concept of “heel,” you can change the command to something else. For example, instead of “heel,” try saying, “come,” or “come to me.” You should repeat this command each time your dog comes to you. As your dog becomes more adept at learning how to heel with click and treat, you can gradually increase the distance between your hand and the object. Remember, to make training fun and successful, limit training sessions to 10 to 15 minutes.

Walking on leash while your dog is in heel position

A good way to start training your dog to heel is by taking it out in a quiet location. Use a sturdy leash that’s at least six feet long. A harness is a better choice than a collar, because your dog might choke on it. First, lure your dog to stand on its left side, making sure that the head doesn’t extend beyond its left heel. Once it’s in the heel position, take a step. Then, reward your dog’s performance with a treat. You may want to reward your dog’s success by ignoring failures.

If you notice your dog pulling, try a little trick: donuts or figure eights. This is especially useful if your dog is hesitant to stay still, so try this trick in a park or neighborhood where the distractions are limited. Initially, you may need to reward your dog continuously with treats, but try to work on it slowly. Eventually, you may be able to walk without the treats.

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